OD&D vs. Basic D&D

Or to be more precise Swords and Wizardry vs. Labyrinth Lord. As I said, I've pretty much been an AD&D guy (or OSRIC). However, the simpler rulesets of Basic D&D have really been sparking my interest lately. I really, really am liking Labyrinth Lord. I want to like the simplicity of Swords and Wizardry, but there are a couple of things turning me off. one is the d6 damage. I really don't care for dragons doing only 1d6 bite damage (and only one attack per round is listed - except a breath weapon - for which no damage is listed). Now, according to the ethics of old school play that are enspoused by S&W, I as a DM can change this to suit my tastes. Which is all well and good but I'm really looking at this from the perspective of my OSR project. I want to release it at some point back to the community, but the rule sets of Labyrinth Lord appeal to me more. But if I think about it, the rule set shouldn't matter too much as a good DM should be able to extrapolate to S&W, Labyrinth Lord, Basic Fantasy, or OSRIC with little trouble. The trick is, which rule set to release them under from a publishing perspective? I like the S&W publisher's guidelines the best of what I've seen (although I'll admit, I don't know what Labyrinth Lord's publishing guidlines are). Ah well, there is still a while to think about it as I'm in the early phases of map making (which for me will be the first step). After that, comes keying the map, making accompanying art, etc...). So more to follow!


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