How much wood would a megadungeon chuck if a megadungeon could chuck wood

Alrighty, I'm working up some maps for my latest dungeon and I was wondering, at what point does a dungeon go from being an encouter site to a megadungeon? I'm no expert certainly but I do have some thoughts. It seems to me that a megadungeon involves a fairly sizable locale that has an ecosystem that periodically replentishes itself. Also a megadungeon in the classic sense doesn't really need any reason to exist other than because it's there (mad archmage decides to tunnel into the earth or some other vauge hand wave of a back story). An encounter site dungeon seems to be one that is designed with a specific purpose and once the players have attained the goal, they "conquer" the encounter site. I'm sure I'm oversimplifying things here a bit. At any rate, I'd kind of like my new dungeon that I'm working on to contain elements of both. It is a site adventure that has an objective, but with an ecosystem that is self contained and regenerating (to an extent). Shoot, I don't have a real name but I think I'll give the specific locale I'm working on at the moment a working title of the Obsidian Keep. Kinda lame I guess but it'll have to do as I flesh this thing out a bit more. So far, I've drawn up four levels (just as a swag, the first level will have around 50 keyed locations). I'm kind of leaning towards a horror type feel (but I have no idea if I can pull it off). The basic plot is that the Obsidian Keep rests on a small island, surrounded by fog, and it has the curious habit of dimension hopping. At one point home to a very decadent noble, the place develoved into a nightmarish hell due to the warping effects of the dimensional jaunts. Yeah, I'll just leave it at that for the nonce...


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