20 Questions answered
Oh, I'm always willing to go along with a crowd ;). At any rate, I figured I fall in line with the latest OSR meme 20 Questions . Here's my answers: 1. Ability Score Generation Method? 4d6, drop lowest, arrange as desired. Not Old School, but who cares, I want the players to play the characters that they want (within the limits of the campaign) and not fuss over having to play a fighter with 9 str and 9 con. 2. How are death and dying handled? 0 is unconscious and anything below that is dead 3. What about raising the dead? Incredibly rare. The current group is still a bunch of first level newbs so it hasn’t come up…yet. 4. How are replacement PCs handled? Again, hasn’t come up yet, but it probably would be a matter of the party returning to town and an new character joining at that point (or I’m open to some logical in game explanation such as meeting the new player on the road, in the wilderness, etc). 5. Initiative? Individual. Again,