Playing the meme game

Still chugging away at a nice clip on my projects. I've got a couple of ideas for petty gods that I would like to do up for James over at Grognardia. In the mean time, I figured it would be fun to do the 15 games in 15 minutes meme. This will be a combo of rpg/board/computer games. So in no particular order (other than what pops into my head):

1. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (naturally)
2. Marvel Superheros (FASERIP)
3. Risk
4. Dungeon!
5. Pitfall (Atari 2600)
6. Adventure (Atari 2600)
7. Wizardry 1-4 (Apple II)
8. Bard's Tale 1-3 (Apple II)
9. Might and Magic 1-3 (Apple II)
10. Delta Green/Call of Cthulhu
11. OD&D/BECMI/Holmes/Moldovay
13. Morrowind/Oblivion (PC)
14. Axis and Allies
15. Dungeons and Dragons (Intellivision)


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