
Showing posts from 2014

Thank you!

Delve!  Issue 2 seems to be doing well (currently number four on RPGNow hot titles - not that it'll last but still cool).  So what's next?  I've got a Kickstarter in the works working with Jeff Talanian of Northwind Adventures/ \Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea.  I'll be doing the art for Three AS&SoH adventures!  Also, I'm working on Delve! issue 3 and some mini Delve! adventures.  Further, I've got a ton of adventures that I've got in various states of progression.  I want to flesh those out a bit and spring them on a couple of playtest groups.  I've got some possibilities for some gaming groups down here in NZ Kiwiland and I'm hoping to have at least one as my sandbox group for spring old school mayhem on.  More to follow!  It's good to get back in the saddle again :)! 

Delve! Issue 2 ready for purchase at RPGNow

OK gang, it's up and ready for purchase at RPGNow:

Delve! Issue 2 is DONE!!

OK, OK so it took over two years but I've been REALLY  busy moving across the world and whatnot.  At any rate, it has to go through the approval process at RPGNow and will be available for purchase.  I'll post once ready.  In the meantime, here's some glimpses of art from Delve! 2.

New art and more on the way!

Heya gang, been a while but I'm still around.  Been a little bit more hectic than anticipated moving across the globe, changing jobs/countries/hemispheres but things have started to get to a sense of normalcy down here in kiwiland.  Anyway, I've FINALLY finished some new art for Expeditious Retreat Press and have been working on some for Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea.  Cheers !  

Hey, new art! New Art!!

Yeah, I finally got a new scanner.  I've been pretty busy on the art front but you'd never know it because of my lack of posting.  However, here's some warm up exercises for some commission work I've been working on.


We're getting more and more settled in and our air freight shipment arrived yesterday.  Good news since a lot of my art supplies were in there along with my desktop computer.  I've been busy sketching out concept art for Expeditious Retreat Press and Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea.  I also picked up Delve!  issue 2 last night to see what was left.  Essentially I just need to finish off the section on quasi-lycanthropes and then go into layout (so good thing I got my desktop back).  I think this weekend we might head for some of the filming locations from the Hobbit/LotR movies - but that depends on the weather.  If not, we might head to Weta cave.  Oh, and Daisey is putting her portfolio together for Weta's costume/set design team.  I would LOVE it if she go on.  It'd be great to get behind the scenes on Weta projects!

Slowly I Turn, Step by step...

Yes, I'm still alive and kicking!  I've been incredibly busy relocating Team Bingham and Ostensible Cat HQ from Italia to our new home base in New Zealand!  We've been incredibly busy traversing the globe and for the past two and a half weeks - getting settled into our new home in Wellington.  Lots of changes - new day job, new country, new continent (or microcontinent I suppose), new hemisphere, 12 hour time change, opposite season (it's winter here), and well, just about new everything.  We're still settling in, but I feel that I'm now to the point where I can start re-emerging into the scene a bit.  Found an art store so I stocked up on supplies.  Now to seek out the local RPG scene (so glad they speak English, it'll make it easier for me to get my game on).  I've got some commissioned work lined up and I'll get back to work on Delve!  issue 2 - it exists!  Also wanting to expand my operations a bit because I am no longer under the constraints tha

A Painting

It's been a while I know but yes, I'm still around.  I've been focusing the bulk of my efforts on honing my technical skills tackling penguins and pythons rather than dragons and the like.  It has been all consuming as I'm preparing for Team Bingham's next adventure.  Lots of things in the works that have kept me from the drawing and gaming table.  But in the end, it will be well worth it.  At any rate, I just wanted to toss up a piece of art that I'd done not too long ago.  It's been a while since I've painted and I'm pretty happy with this tribute to David Sutherland.  I commissioned some art from Steve Zeizer for Delve II which I just have to get around to finishing it up.  It is in the home stretch and I just need to finish off a bit about quasi-lycanthropes.  Steve did some excellent work that really captured my vision.  It was really fun to see someone else's take on my writing.  Definitely bit of a switch up and I look forward to doing it