Strange Magic

In my last post, a review of Matt Finch’s Eldritch Weirdness Books Three through One, some pretty interesting possibilities are touched on in regards to the practice and nature of magic. There were some pretty exciting things hinted on that seemed to touch on the whole non-Euclidian aspects of the horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. I find all of this incredibly fascinating, but I have to admit, I always had a difficult time trying to wrap my brain around physics and mathematics (particularly the higher mathematics and quantum physics). These subjects just seem to go hand in hand with Sir Arthur C. Clarke’s adage that any technology of a sufficiently advanced nature would appear to be magic. Well, just how much do you delve into to these types of subjects from a fantasist’s perspective without being so completely wonky as to have others not being able to suspend disbelief? I say this because I’d like to touch on these subjects for a project I’m working on. I don’t want to try and create a magic simulator where everything is defined in terms of quantum mechanics and mathematics. However, I also don’t want to hand waive everything to the point that every explanation is “waterfalls flow up because, you know, it’s just magic”.


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