Review: Eldritch Weirdness Compilation Books Three to One

Matt Finch's Eldritch Weirdness Compilation Books Three to One is an accessory for Old School stle fantasy RPGS. IIt is fairly generic, so it is not a problem to adapt it to OSRIC, Swords and Wizardry, Labyrinth Lord, or what ever your particular favorite Old School game of choice is. The print version of the books weighs in at 23 pages (of which pages 22 and 23 are given over to the OGL licensing info). While it may seem a bit light on the page count, it does pack quite a punch in giving DM's something to think about when it comes to using magic in fantasy games. Presented in reverse order, the three books present three different subject areas. Book one (the last in the compilation) presents a bunch of new spells for use in a fantasy campaign. I tend to agree with Matt, tht spells are usually one of the least interesting magic topics, being something of a recipe to be followed to gain a certain effect. There are some pretty imaginitive spells none the less. I really liked the Beast of Chaos spell, where the mage is transformed into a tentacled protoplasmic glob that devours his enemies. That really had a Moorcock feel to it. The second book is a bunch of tables used to create alliterative spell or magic item descriptors. Very fun indeed. How about using a spell like gultionous grudge? Also, I have to say that I really appreciate Matt's view of magic being that true power goes beyond mere spells and is more understanding the nature of magic itself. The third book delves into the possible nature of magic such as planar geometries and elemental summoning. This, of the three really inspired my imagination. Short and sweet as well as being useful for just about any fantasy campaign, Eldritch Weirdness Compilation Books Three to One rocks. Pick up a copy at Black Blade publishing: Overall, I give this a four out of five stars. Highly recommended.


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