I like pie!

Cyclopeatron made an interesting blog post which I tend to agree with. Most conent posts don't get responses but opinion posts do. I've noticed the trend in my own blogging as well. There is some incredibly interesting content being generated out there in OSR blog land. I think folks tend to react more to opinion pieces because no one really wants to 1) either say your stuff sucks on a blog post or 2) only say "that's cool man". I tell you what, I cherish the "that's cool man posts", it at tleast let's me know folks are paying attention. As to the your stuff sucks, well those are OK too as long as they tell me why they think my stuff sucks so I know how to try and improve it. At any rate, I like pie. It even tastes better when I had to kill an orc to get it ;).


  1. I agree - there's nothing wrong with short "nice post"-type comments. It's a good way of encouraging bloggers to post more of what you like.

  2. Pies suck. How can you even consider such a position?

  3. You know what I like? Good titled posts. That gets my attention. Take yours. I thought I was going to hear about a great Italian pie your wife made.

    Those good titles pull me in, every time. Such as but not limited too, titles with the words butter, pie, food, eating and Wonder Woman. At any rate, I enjoyed reading this post you did, even if you didn't show me any food.

    Here's to 200 more posts.

  4. Seriously though, I agree that we should encourage more "thumbs up" type comments.

    I am always mystified when I post something I have really been working hard on (ok a relative thing, I am quite lazy when it comes to blog posts) only to hear the sounds of silence, and then post something the next day that I slapped together in 20 minutes that gets 20-30 comments (almost always commentary to get back to the OP).

    I am still "pro-cake" however.

  5. Pro-cake, hahahahaha. That's great, Ckutalik.

  6. I think with this post you should develop a Random Comment Table for blogs. So if they are not sure what to say they can just roll.

    And I always think your blog is cool man. And I like pie. And cake. I don't have to chose. I want both!

  7. I'm not on Facebook, but the "like" button seems to be a smart idea. If Blogger had a like button I'd probably be hitting it a lot. Especially when I can't think of something funny . . . like now . . .about pies.

  8. I've noticed this same thing. And since I write mostly content posts I notice it quite a lot. :)

    I generally assume folks like what I'm doing as my followers keep increasing (even allowing for the reciprocal follower thing there's gotta be some readers amongst them) but I get a half to a third of comments on content, then if I post an opinion--or better yet ask for an opinion.

  9. I'm sorry - I was told there would be pie. On Monday

  10. Shove it in your Cakehole!?!?!?

    Doesn't sound as good as telling someone to shut thier Piehole, does it?

    I prefer Cherry, but the Wife can make a very decent Apple.

  11. I would be hitting the "like" button alot too, I'm alot less comfortable just saying "cool post" if I've got nothing else to add.

  12. You can make cherry pies and apple pies, why not a cake pie? Just substitute cake for the pie's fruit filling!
    I once had a bite of 'peanut butter pie.' I like peanuts, butter and pies... but peanut butter pie tasted horrible. Apparently Elvis liked it.
    I like liking things and like pie, but I would never eat a pie that I found in an orc's possession since I wouldn't know where it had been or what the orc had done to it before I arrived. Instead, I would sell his weapons and armor to the scrap dealer and use the money to buy a pie in town.

  13. Saskatoon-berry pie. It's similar to blueberry pie, but saskatoons are a meatier berry, so the filling doesn't go to mush.

    Next time you're in Calgary, Saskatoon-berry pie will be for dessert.

  14. Hahahaha, I think this post just proved itself ;). Tim, the random comment generator is a great idea! I tend to post stuff like "very cool" just so folks know that someone in blogland is reading their stuff and thinks it is, well, very cool. Lots of great stuff going on out there. I'm alwways amazed by the creativity and though everyone puts into their stuff. It inspires me to keep pushing myself to put out better work. And speaking of pies, I had some fantastic pizza pie from Pronto Pizza in Tori di Arcugnano, Italy. If any of you happen to be around Vicenza (45 minutes west of Venice), I'll have to take you ;).

    @Paladin in Citadel - I'd love that! What an evocative name Saskatoon-berry pie sounds fantastic!

  15. I loved that Ckutlaik was pro-cake. This is was really fun post, and the comments were great.

  16. I'm very much anti-cake and pro-pie. Always put candles on my birthday pie as young lad (especially key lime or dutch apple).

  17. I am glad to see so many coming out in favor of pie. The anti-pie rabble will be crushed ;).

  18. Speaking of Pie, it's almost Pi Day! http://www.npr.org/2011/03/09/134367508/celebrating-the-pies-of-march?sc=fb&cc=fp

  19. I am told that men like pie and women like cake. I have little empirical evidence of this claim beyond an informal survey. Further research is required to support an application for funding for the definitive clinical trial.

  20. In all actuallity, I have an overpowering fondness for all baked goods. I do not discriminate against desert ;).


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