Basalt Keep of Wilven the Yellow

I've been working on some location maps for a while now and figured I'd post some of them here. These are hand drawn and transfered rather crudely to Photoshop and had a grid placed over them. This is a standard 1 square = 10' map. The Basalt Keep of Wilven the Yellow exists on an island that exists in more than one dimension simultaneously. Also, it has the tendency to "blink" out of existence from time to time on some extraplanar jaunt. Viscount Wilven was a rather unwholesome character in the vein of the Marquis de Sade and surrounded himself with a cast of scoundrels, lunatics, libertines and hedonists. Ultimately becoming an outcast, Wilven tapped into the dark arts and created a rift that set his island home adrift on the planar sea. This has had some startling effects and has made the island and the keep a dangerous place to visit. Here's a map of the first level and two lower sublevels of the keep:

I've started to key this level and have two upper levels of the keep completed. This will ultimately be a site in my campaign setting. I still need to come up with a name for the world - if you have any ideas I can steal, feel free to share ;). I'll post the other maps soon. Until then, back to work!


  1. Cool idea. I like the idea of a place that's only sometimes there. Nice map, too.

  2. @Trey: Thanks! It is an idea that I've been kicking around for a while. I wanted a truly horrific site adventure that blinks in and out of existence. I borrowed the idea from a few sources but I have quite a few ideas boiling over for this one.


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