The day after the day after Thanksgiving

No, I didn't participate in the Black Friday spending frenzy. Instead, we actually had our feast last night. Since I live in Italy and had a mix of Italians and Americans, it probably was better that we did it on Friday so the Italians could participate. Well, tonight w are actually having some more Italian friends over for a continuation of the feast. Yeah, it was a big turkey. At any rate, I've returned to working on my OSR project. Today I started to work on the outdoor hex maps for my campaign setting. I really want this campaign to have a pseudo Norse/Celtic/Germanic feel to it and thus taking place in a somewhat northerly climes. Not very original I suppose but go with what you love... As to scale, I've been thinking of doing one hex equals five mile (Wilderlands scale). That is tenative as I have to see how it actually works out.


  1. Do the Italians have a 'Black Friday' shopping frenzy?
    I'm firmly in the 'buy nothing on the Friday after Thanksgiving' camp. Yesterday I was going to make a Caesar Salad but discovered that I didn't have enough anchovies or Parmesan. Rather than take a quick run to the store on the corner (which is what I would have normally done), I made something else.
    I thought the pilgrims were pretty 'anti-papist,' so celebrating Thanksgiving in Italy seems somewhat delicously subversive to me! Hopefully your Italian friends enjoyed the traditional American fare... including Turkey sandwhiches with mayo and cranberry relish the next day!
    Despite being a catholic myself, I would join the church of Calvin if I could eat stuffing and gravy all year round.

  2. I don't think the Italians do have an alnalog to Black Friday. The culture is a lot less consumerist than ours (well in some respects - they are CRAZY about fashion and cars - even the average Italian). The values are just a bit different so it is a bit hard to compare the two. It was a lot of fun to share a completely American holiday with them though. It is somewhat strange to be in a country that shares a lot of our western European heritage, but the differences are striking. Italians don't celebrate Halloween, but do celebrate All Saints Day (All Hallow's Day). They do love to participate in our holidays though. It is tremendously fun sharing the cultures. I'm incredibly excited that my kids get the benefit of the Italian and American cultures. Good stuff all around.


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