Another Person's Two Cents on the WotC Pdfs
OK, so I finally managed to log on and check out what is avilable so far. I'm stoked about what I've seen so far. For Christmas, I was excited to recieve a Kind Fire HD and have proceeded to load all 32 GB of that baby up with digital comics and gaming pdfs. I gotta say, WotC's release of all this new material is making me decide exactly how I need to manage content on my Kindle. Anyway, it is a good thing that now I have too much to choose from. I recall WotC making this announcement back at GenCon 2011 but have since forgotten about it. Am I afraid of what this means for the small press guys that make Old School stuff? Not really. I mean the hard core old school gamers have been supporting the small press guys for years and they still have their origial books. The release of the old stuff to a newer audience means that new generations will get exposed to a type of gaming that us older folks know and love. Releasing it as digital content is great too. With the a