New Critter Alitae

Ok, so here's how I spent my lunch, creating a new critter based upon a mythological reference. Alito was a grain goddess in ancient times (her name apparently means grain or is associated with grain in Greek). Over time, Alito became associated with disease and death (don't you just love it). At any rate, in true Old School spirit, I took a limited reference and created a new group of creatures based off of this reference (similar in spirit to Medusa, the Minotaur, Gorgons, etc). At any rate, this is stated out for use with Labyrinth Lord. I am also designating the Alitae open conent, so feel free to use it as you wish (but if you happen to publish it elsewhere, I'd be grateful for attributing it to me). Please note: the artwork is not open content is is copyright John Bingham (me) 2010.

Name: Alitae
No. Enc: 1
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 60’ (20’), Special
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 3
Attacks: 1
Damage: by weapon, disease
Save: M3
Morale: 6
Hoard Class: VI

Description: Originally these spirit folk were associated with good harvests and crop fertility. Overtime, the Alitae degenerated into a pestilence and spread disease and blight. Once rumored to be a fair and handsome folk, they have become foul and hideous as their corruption. Alitae appear as 3’-4’ tall twisted hags dressed in filthy rags. They often wield daggers (1d4 damage). In addition, the touch of an Alitae has a 25% chance of inflicting a rotting disease upon the victim. Alitae move and strike in darkness. In complete darkness, they have an effective AC of -1 and their movement rate is 120’. In shadow, the effective armor class is 2 with a movement of 90’. Alitae can teleport (as per spell) three times per day as long as the Alitae is in shadow or complete darkness. Alitae are especially susceptible to iron and iron weapons deal +1 point of damage to an Alitae. It is rumored that due to their ancient ties to growing things and fertility, an Alitae can be subdued with a wreath or crown of flowers or other fresh cut flora, the Alitae can be compelled to cast cure critical wounds, cure disease or remove curse. After the casting, the Alitae will be released from the compulsion and thereafter seek to flee.


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