And the rain, rain, rain came down, down, down...

So I went on a business trip to Heidelberg, Germany last week. I must say that I really have a great fondness for Germany. Afterall, I spent my Freshmans and Sophomore years of High School in Nuremburg, Germany and that was the most active gaming period of my life. So yeah, I've got a lot of gaming memories all tied up with my stint (1986-88) there. Good times. I have to admit that I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get a chance to stock up on Germany beer. I have a smattering left but I'll be completely depleted in a few months. A well, hopefully the shopette on post will have a sale on German beer in the near future. Gotta have my Pilsner...

But I digress. Since my return to sunny Italy, things have not been quite so sunny. In fact, it has been downright soggy. Post was closed at noon yesterday and remains closed today. So, in rainy day fashion, it's time to pull out the projects and begin working. I've been ruminating a bit on exactly what I want to do for my project and with all the various bits and pieces I have laying about, I think I'm better suited to just craft a full campaign. My son is almost gaming age so I'd love to playtest some of these ideas on him and his friends. We shall see...

Back to project design. I've crafted a few levels of a keep (that I want to stock with undead) which I'll tie to my funerary isle idea a few posts back. I found a pretty cool web site for printing out graph paper . I have to admit that the name incompetech does not inspire much confidence, but it works out well for what I need (so far at any rate). If anyone has any sites they prefer, let me know. I printed out a bunch of hx paper with the aim of creating a world map. I know a lot of folks talk about how much they love the Greyhawk map by Darlene. While I do think that is a pretty cool map, the map that really fires my imagination is the Might and Magic I world map (Check it out here: . Ok, so I know some old schoolers balk about mixing computer games and RPGs. However, computer games were very integral to my gaming psyche as a kid (even if they are not now). At any rate, I love the Might and Magic world maps and have been thinking of doing something similar for my world building project. Hand drawn and colored of course. So, I better get cracking. No telling how long the rainy day will last...


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