Blood sucking leeches ate my brain and made me read Lamentations of the Flame Princess
OK, so it didn't happen exactly like that, but, well, um, yeah. At any rate, James Raggi has opened the preorders for the Grindhouse Edition of Lamentations of the Flame Princess, Zak Smith's Vornheim, the Pembrooktonshire Gardening Society memberships (I'm member 17 for all you hosebags late to the game - which makes me one of the original 31;), and T-shirts. Why am I mentioning this? Because I have artwork in the new edition. OK, so I only have one piece of artwork in the new edition (but it is acompanying my writeup for a magic item I created for the game - the Maelific Eye of Putrescence - also known as the stink eye). But seriously, I really think Mr. Raggi has an innovative and interesting product here. The game itself is provocative and evocative, the artwork is top notch (I'm actually the bottom feeder of the bunch - Amos Sterns just rocks), and well, it's different. This is not a game for everyone (which is awesome - people shouldn't be affraid to target an audience and run with it. James Raggi certainly has), but I do dig that it is going in a different direction. I think it is refreshing to see this kind of innovation in the hobbyist gamer/OSR sphere. So go out and buy a copy and check out something completely different.
It's entitled Weird role-playing, but based on the art it feels more like horror role-playing. I love the art. The eye of putr. is great, quite horrifying really, very Edgar Allan Poe.
ReplyDeletePaladin - thanks. It was a lot of fun to do. I'm so glad that I was able to have even a small contribution to this game. I think it i very cool.