Blogging A to Z (and Weekly Creature Feature): Q is for Quork

I've made several attempts at full scale world building over the years but they've always pretty much just stayed at more or less skeletal frameworks with a few bits of of meat. I have a tendency to do a lot of what it type stuff and day dreaming. Today's Weekly Creature Feature (my, it has been much too long hasn't it?) is a remnant from one of my various worldbuilding projects. The Quork evolved out of one of these what ifs. I really have become much more of a humanocentric gamer over the years and demihuman races have just lost their appeal for me. I wanted to create a world where there are other sapient creatures but not necessarily "human" in their outlook. The Quork are somewhat along the lines of an elevated primate and are based on lemurs (mostly because I think lemurs are just cool). Instead of evloving vocal language for their primary means of communication, they have a complex vocal and olfactory language. This means that humans 1) might not recognize this as language and thus not realize the depth of the Quork's intellect 2) Even if a human begins to understand that yes, the Quork are highly intelligent, a human could never fully understand the nuance and complexity of Quork society due to the limitations of the human sensory organs. Quorks are deemed somewhat lazy, mischievious, and as a nuisance by human standards. They live in close harmony with nature and do fashion tools out of any readily availiable material but don't work metal. They have a knack at alchemy and herbalism which they use to great effect. They have a symbiotic relationship with a species of large beetle that use as a beast of burden and control through the use of herbs and scents.

As with all my other creature features, the following is designated Open Gaming Content. Without further ado (or more likely banal blathering) I present the Quork.

Name: Quork
No. Enc: 1-20
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120’ (40’)
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 1
Attacks: 2 (bite, weapon)
Damage: 1d4
Save: F1
Morale: 6
Hoard Class: XI

Description: Quixotic and mercurial, the Quork are a type of intelligent primate that inhabits the densest of tropical rainforests. Quorks have developed a culture and loose knit society that is communal in nature and consists of several related family groupings. Humans that have made a study of these creatures have concluded that they are sentient and quite intelligent, but their methods of verbal communication are limited to barks, howls, and yips. Scent is the primary method of communication of these creatures and by human standards, Quork are very musty and pungent smelling. Quorks have highly developed olfactory senses and are able to detect invisible creatures by scent. They also possess scent glands that they utilize for communication as well as other, more esoteric effects. Other than communication, the Quork can use their scents for a range of mind altering/influencing effects. The Quork are able to control and steer the large (5' long) baolad beetles which they use as beasts of burden and flying mounts. Quork can utilize their scent to act as a charm person spell, a sleep spell, or confusion spell up to three times per day.

Quork stand about three feet high with long spindly arms, a prehensile tail and hands and feet with oposable thumbs. They are thus able to climb walls and other surfaces with great facility. Quork resemble lemurs and are often found in proximity with those primates (which they use as a sort of alarm system). Quorks do not seek to amass large amounts of material goods but will often accumulate items that they find useful (such as discarded human implements and tools) as well as interesting objects.

Name: Baolad Beetle
No. Enc: 1-8
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120’ (40’)
Fly: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 2+2
Attacks: 1 (bite)
Damage: 1d8
Save: F1
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: none

Description: The Baolad beetles are found rummaging through the undergrowth in tropical rain forests. Despite their size, the Baolad beetles are quite docile unless attacked. The Quork often utilize them as beasts of burden and as mounts. Baolad beetles are 5' long and have carpaces that are an iridescent orange in color.


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