Blogging A to Z: W is for Weird Adventures

If you have not been following Trey Causey's work over at From The Sorcerer's Skull, I gotta say, you're missing out on one of the freshest takes on a fantasy setting that is currently out there. Weird in a sort of crazy 1920's pulp meets seriealized sci-fi and cliff hanger movies meets lost highway Route 66 weird roadside attraction - aw hell, this thing just oozes flavor. Go check out the downloadable preview Strange Trails and read through it. Oh yeah, this is also where Daisey and I began our collaboration work so here's a piece that we worked on for Wierd adventures:

Got check it out!


  1. It really is a great piece--so good I'm using it multiple times ;)--since a panel showed up in Strange Trails and the whole thing in WA. My only regret is that the book's b&w because the color version is very, very nice.

    Anyway, thanks for the plug, and for your support, as always. :)


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