Weekly Creature Feature: Kulakir

Here's another creature that I'm working on for Isle of Maedsid. This one has its inspiration in Moorcock's work to add a bit of Swords and Sorcery feel to Maedsid. I've got an idea sort of similar to Keep on the Borderlands with a few different races that are fighting some running battles inside Maedsid. Anyway, as per all my creatures, the Kulakir is designated Open Game Content.

Name: Kulakir
No. Enc: 3d4
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 60’ (20’)
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 5
Attacks: 2
Damage: 1d8, 1d8 (or by weapon type)
Save: F5
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: XVII

Description: Kulakir are a degenerate bestial race that was once common but went extinct with the rise of man (or so it is believed). Kulakir are a horrific combination of both baboon and raptor. They possess the savage visage of a baboon with a crest of feathers resembling a fish eagle. They possess the hands of a primate and the great, gouging talons of a bird of prey. A ridge of mottled dusty brown and grey feathers runs along their backs and onto their shoulders and forearms. Kulakir do not possess the power of flight but are relatively intelligent and can craft arms and armor. They rarely wear much in the way of Armor, but do favor oversized bracers. They have distinctive weapons that they wield in battle and utilize a sort of sling that throw blades. Kulakir are capable of two attacks per melee round by rending with their talons, giving a fearsome bite, or utilizing a weapon.

Kulakir once dwelt in high mountainous areas and once were devout followers of Moen Hepnir, Dweller in the High Places. It was rumored that they once had Shaman and Witch Doctors that were capable of wielding both sorcerous and divine magic.


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