Two weeks until GENCON!?!!?

Holy crap, that is coming up FAST! I'd hoped I be further along on a few things at this point, but oh well. I'm very much looking forward to getting some game time in and meeting people. This will be my first major convention ever so I'm not sure what to expect. Actually I have no expectations really I guess other than just to see what is out there and actually meet some of the gamer folk I communicate with online. Anything after that will be a bonus.


  1. So great. Looking forward to hearing about your adventure. And thanks for stopping by with good wishes.

    Much appreciated.

  2. I hope you have a great time.

  3. Look me up. I'll be hanging around the OSR booth when I'm not running MutFut games.

  4. I plan on spending quite a bit of time around the OSR booth myself.

  5. Arrgh, tons to do in the next two weeks, real life and work have me down, GenCon just around the corner though.

  6. @ Scadgrad - I know the feeling! It seems like whenever I'm getting ready to take some time off of work, the period right before I leave is crazy.

  7. Good luck, Mr. Bingham! Getting ready for a disruption (as I am now doing) is as bad as the disruption itself. Maybe one feels more in control, but that's it, and that's an illusion too.

  8. Ge Con, I am jealous. I hope you have a great time. And don't charge too much for photos. Everyone is going to want a memento from the hot elf chick.

  9. @Tim - I'm gonna make a killing off photos! GENCON is gonna be my golden ticket ;). Actually, I'm pretty excited and looking forward to finally meeting some of my fellow OSR contributors in person. Not to mention it's GENCON so I'm bound to find all kinds of cool stuff.


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