Maedsid Progress (Sea of O'Sr Adventure Path)

I never had the chance to play in an Arduin campaign. I've heard quite a few things (good and bad) about it over the years. I think I'm going to try and make a point of finding out a bit more about is at GENCON. For whatever reason, I've been stuck on this wacked out 70's vibe listening to stuff like Hawkind and other space rock stuff and 70's US punk like the Dead Boys and Richard Hell and watching Flash Gordon and other campy 70's sci-fi and fantasy. I'm not sure how much of that is currently informing my decisions I'm making about my Maedsid adventure, but I suspect reading Lovecraft and Moorcock and listening to crazy ass 70's rock is going to have some effect. I really wanting to look over the Arduin Grimoires while I'm gone and see what I think.

Ah, who the hell knows.

But anyways, I'm working on another map for Maedsid for one of the dimensional sublevels. I'm having fun. Floating arboral islands with open aired temples, light gravity, dimensionally travelling flying monkey men looking to create a pandimensional empire, intelligent lemurs on giant flying beetles that can use pheremone based magic, and more craziness. That's what's in store for the current level. The next up will be a aquatic based level with sentient protoplasmic lifeforms that drain the life essence of other sentient life to fuel their hunger and more stuff that is chaotically swimming around in my brain at the moment. We'll see what kind of ideas I pick up at GENCON and shape some of the otehr ideas I've got. More to follow soon...


  1. That sounds like a blast! dimensionally travelling flying monkey-men are in almost every setting, but people tend not to notice them...


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