Black Blade Publishing Imprint of OSRIC

I just got my Black Blade imprint of OSRIC in the mail today. I have the original version which is cool but the Black Blade version is a thing of beauty. James Smith over at The Underdark Gazette did a nice "unboxing" post on his blog with some good photos which you can see here. I did do quite a bit of artwork for OSRIC and it is interesting to see some of that work (now alomost six years on) and see how I've evolved from then to now as an artist. There's also losts of great new art by many other OSR artists in it too (so if you have the Lulu version, the new art is pretty damn keen if you're into that).

I tend to vascilate between OD&D/Swords and Wizardry, BECMI/Labyrinth Lord and AD&D/OSRIC. I'll have to consult my newly forming gaming group and see what they would rather game with. I've been doing most of my adventure writing in Labyrinth Lord Advanced Edition Companion format so that might be the direction we go. In any event, if you're of a mind to have a Rules Cyclopedia like version of 1e AD&D, you can't go wrong with OSRIC.


  1. I'm really glad to see OSRIC being updated with errata and sharply produced, it's really a great and dense resource. Is the economy non-profit version still available on Lulu?

  2. Although I don't run it I think OSRIC is one of the most beautiful tomes the OSR has produced.

  3. @Ze Bulette - yes, the economy version is still available. But it is only something like 80 cents cheaper so if you're getting a HC, the Black Blade version would seem to be the way to go.

    @BlUsKrEEm - indeed it is!

  4. Whoa, you got your BBP OSRIC in the mail AND managed to finish unpacking it in the same day?!


  5. Man, I want this so bad. After I saw James unbox it on underdark gazette I was like "Yes! Must have!" Your post only makes me want it even more now lol. I'm going to try and order it next week.

  6. @Bree Yark! - Yeah, it was actually a struggle with all the packing tape that the BBP guys used. However, it arrived in great shape so I'm not complaining.

    @R.W. - I don't know if they are still having problems with the PayPal option on the BBP store. I just emailed Jon Hershberger and he took care of it all through email.


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