Older Map/Birthday Project: Diceless Roleplay/pseudo LARP

Whew, I just finished off a set of commision pieces and am about to move on to another project. After I finish doing a project, I like to go back and look through my projects to see how I've evolved over time. Looking back through my project pictures, I came across some pictures for Bear's Fifth birthday (wow, was that really two year's ago?!?!). He wanted a knight themed birthday complete with a quest. I desinged the quest and the map. At the end of the quest, I knighted the kids. It was a lot of fun and gets me itching to do some more fun maps. I actually cut the large map up into various sections, rolled them up like scrolls and they found each new piece as they fulfilled the various quest segments. Several Years ago, Daisey made me a really cool Green Man costume that I wore as the "Green Knight" to guide the kids on the quest. Here's some photos of that "project".
I've got one more commission piece to finish up and then I'm going to work on some T-Shirt Designs, Dice Bag Designs and Business Cards for GENCON! More soon.


  1. That looks really cool! I bet the kids had a great time.

  2. That looks like it was one awesome birthday. I'm wondering though, did you have a birthday CAKE or PIE?

  3. Cool map, Johnathan.

    Beautiful costume (mask, esp.), Daisey. :D

  4. @Trey - the kids had a good time. I had a GREAT time ;).

    @Tim - Grrr, I wanted pie but Bear wanted cake. I'm not sure why. Actually, I wish I had a picture of that cake. Daisey made an amazing cake patterned after Neuschwanstein castle in Germany ( the one the Disney Castle is patterned on). It was great with ice cream cone towers and everything.

    @Timeshadows - Thanks! Daisey does some amazing costuming. I keep telling her that she needs to tap into the geek convention circuit and make costumes for them. The knight costume she made for Bear was fantastic. It had chainmail made from an old sweater that was painted silver and then antiqued. It is amazing!

  5. Woohoo. Sounds like fun was had by all. And you ate cake, to boot.


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