Buon Anno: Looking ahead to 2011

So, it's the very tip of the tail end of 2010 and instead of reflect on 2010 (which was a pretty good year), I want to look ahead to 2011. I've really started to give myself a kick in the ass in regards to my OSR projects. I seem to have many more ideas than time or energy. In 2011, I'm committing myself to focusing and actually working on a project. Afterall, you are only a writer if you write, right? Well, even if I don't come out with a finished project, I really am going to make big inroads on my OSR campaign setting (like perhaps come up with a campaign world name). To that end, I'm going to write a bit about the setting and some of the important places. Here's a brief snippet (not so much a tease as a place holder or reminder string for me to come back to and expound upon. This city is one of the more important areas of the campaign world so you can be sure I'll be going into more detail later:

Dohnstanziea – also known as the Three Queens, the Three Ladies, the Three Whores, the Tripple Bitch amongst other even more unsavory appellations. The city is actually three cities (Dohne, Stanzgraz, and Iea maq Mequod) that meet at the confluence of three continents. It is quite the ordinary to say that a city of any size has everything that one could imagine; in the case of Dohnstanziea that is not entirely far from the truth. Cosmopolitan in the extreme, Dohnstanziea is a great hub city, a center of commerce and trade. Merchants from all over the world come here to sell their wares or procure materials they need. Dohnstanziea is a city of contrasts and extremes: fast paced and full of action yet the citizenry is often considered decadent and lazy; often seen as open minded and liberal, the populace looks down on others not as sophisticated and cultured as them. A city of tastes, sounds, smells as well as sites, Dohnstanziea is a visceral experience beyond compare. Not merely the meeting point between three continents, Dohnstanziea exists beyond the mere material plane. Spirits, demons, fairy, and gods all walk the streets here.

OK, so that is a bit of a glimpse. A bit rough perhaps, but some very broad strokes have been painted. I don't necessarily mean the city to be a planar nexus in the manner of Sigil, but it does have strange, otherworldly connections. Paupers, Petricans, Patriarchs, Potentates, and Petty Gods all can be found here.


  1. The glance ahead looks good. And, it's always nice to look back and think, yeah, that was a pretty good year. Very nice.

    Happy 2011. Happy Writing. And of course ... Happy Eating.

  2. But of course. Happy new year to you as well!

  3. Thanks. Looking forward to more of your blogs. Best to your family.


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