If I had a stapler I'd 'zine in the mornin...

Yeah, so, I got my long stapler and card stock in the mail yesterday and I'm crazy excited.  I've got to focus my ambition though and actually get around to producing a finished product.  I'm a bit concerned about distribution though.  One thing about working for the military overseas is that I can't conduct business through the APO system.  Since I'm not looking to profit from zine making, I'm looking at ways to get a zine out to those interested and not abuse the mail privledges.  So, I'll look and see what the postal rates are for the Italian mail system.  It'd be nice to see if there are any distribution services to do this stuff on consingment.  However, I expect my runs to probably be VERY small (like around 20-30) so it shouldn't be too much of an issue for the hard copy.  I'll probably do a pdf version as well.  Like I saidn, I'm not sure what kind of interest there is going to be for this, but really, it is mostly to satisfy a DIY itch that I've got and to fufill a creative need.  Yeah, so this will be my cheesy, home made, love letter to RPGs.  Still some work to do, but more to follow!


  1. We are such goobers. Me included. Did you ever think there would come a time when getting a stapler would be exciting? But it is.

    Would love to see your zine.

  2. You guys are goobers, but the best goobers about. Much luck and fun to you both. And now ... I'm off to coupon and save.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

  3. Hahaha, yeah Tim, I never thought that a stapler would elicit such exitement (especially since it is not a red Swingline stapler but rather a nice Bosstich). Nor did I ever think I'd care about card stock. I'm diggin getting back to the DIY ethic though ;). Christian definitely set something off. Heh, wonders of the digital age and we're getting geeked about going old school cut and paste. Gotta love it ;)!

  4. You can count me in for a print copy. Love Loviatar and Zogorion was very cool so I'm all for more zines!!

  5. And finally I find myself in the RIGHT country! Please sign me up :)

  6. I might be a bit late to the party and wouldn't want to rain on your cool, new stapler parade, but did you consider MagCloud? It would certainly take care of some of your shipping issues and might end up being cheaper.

  7. @Il Male - rock on! It is nice to feel included isn't it?
    @Wolfgar - Right on. More to follow.
    @Tony - thanks for the tip. I wasn't familiar with that but definitely going to investigate further...


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