OSR Contributions

Guy Fullerton has come up with a really great listing of Old School Gaming releases since 2000.  It covers a lot of ground from Dragonsfoot to Retroclones and various adventures/supplements/campaign settings from a multitude of companies/individuals.  At 602 listed individuals contributions, that's some pretty impressive creativity from the Old School gaming community.  When I checked the list, I've contributed artwork for 32 of the listed works.  Not too shabby and there is more to come.  Currently I'm working on some pieces for Joe Browning at Expeditious Retreat Press followed by some work for Peter Spahn at Small Niche Games.  Then of course there is Delve! (man, what an undertaking, but yes, I'm still working it along with my other projects!).  A fun ride and I look forward to see more stuff come out from you crazy creative old schoolers/hobbyist gamers out there.  Keep em coming!


  1. Not too shabby is a major understatement - our kids might be looking back very fondly at your art when the OOSR or OSRR comes round, as a major figure. Congratulations are in order before that though, so well done!

  2. Neat. Except I didn't make the OSRIC Player's Guide. Is there another OSR person with my name? That'd be weird if there had been all this time and I didn't know about it.

    If my names going to be on the list it should be for Weird West. :)

  3. @Porky - thanks! I feel very fortunate to be able to contribute in a constructive way to a hobby that has given me so much pleasure over the years.

    @Stuart - Heh, you have a doppelganger perhaps? I think there were actually a couple of OSRIC Player's guides out there. There was a big flap about it a while back. I can't quite recall who was involved with it.

  4. @Stuart - Apparently it's only Medieval fantasy. Neither Weird Adventures nor Strange Trails made the list, nor any of Matt Stater's games.

  5. @Trey - Yes, I think the list is pretty much solely devoted to D&D derivatives/clones from 1e back. It would be nice to see a fully OSR inspired list that included Weird West, Weird Adventures, Stars Without Number, Mystery Men, Mutant Future, OpenQuest, and all of the other incredibly cool OSR stuff out there.

  6. I'm glad folks are finding the list useful.

    To confirm: Any derivative indeed needs to stick pretty close to the originals (in both mechanics and genre) in order to be included. I have no plans to include supers, post-apoc, or pure(ish) sci-fi in the list.

    Ultimately the list is for my own purposes, so I reserve the right to be fussy about what does and doesn't get included. Which is why the list is read only.

    But for anybody that wants to expand the data with other games, the spreadsheet is exportable and there's nothing stopping anybody from using the data as the foundation for their own list.

  7. @Stuart - I probably just made a mistake with copy and paste when I added the OSRIC Player's Guide. I'll get it straightened out soon. There were two of them in quick succession.

  8. @Guy - Thanks for doing the list! I believe it is incredibly useful and perhaps might inspire some folks to put together other lists that include the other OSR games.


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