Delve! Update: I'm Learning a few things here

OK, so, I'm still working on Delve!  and it is going a lot slower than I had anticipated.  There are several reasons for this, but I think most of it stems from the fact that I'm learning a lot as I go.  Crafting the dungeon for Delve! has been an experience.  Even though it is only 11 keyed areas, it has still been a lot of work.  I think one of the biggest lightbulb moments for me has been that writing an adventure for me is very different from how I actually DM an adventure.  I tend to be a lot more off the cuff and wing my adventures when I actually play (as I'm sure quite a bit of you old school GMs tend to do).  However, when I write and adventure down for others, the tendancy is to swing too far the other way and micromanage detail.  That's not really what anyone one wants.  So, I've been spending far more time trying to find the happy medium and I think I'm getting there.  I want to convey flavor while still giving the DM flexibility (no railroading).  So, getting closer, but still a bit to do.  I'd say I'm at the 70% stage.  The maps done and rooms are keyed at a basic level with encounters.  I still need to do some statistics for creatures and treasures as well as the art.  I am still moving in a positive direction though.  I'm thinking about doing a free pdf version.  Since this is a creative exercise for me and an avenue to try out some of the crazy ideas I have, I am not really crazy about the idea of charging for my efforts at this point.  Ultimately, I'll just be happy to create and share something with the rest of the OSR.  Stay tuned, more to follow!


  1. Oh my gosh, I totally understand about the writing. It takes a LOT of time to describe something for readers than it would if you were simply jotting down notes for yourself.

  2. Heh, indeed. It's also a bit difficult to be descriptive and convey the feeling that you want without being overbearing. A fine line for sure ;).

  3. It has been a huge learning experience for me also and have got more respect for Christian for being able to get such quality out month after month.


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