
Showing posts from December, 2014

Thank you!

Delve!  Issue 2 seems to be doing well (currently number four on RPGNow hot titles - not that it'll last but still cool).  So what's next?  I've got a Kickstarter in the works working with Jeff Talanian of Northwind Adventures/ \Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea.  I'll be doing the art for Three AS&SoH adventures!  Also, I'm working on Delve! issue 3 and some mini Delve! adventures.  Further, I've got a ton of adventures that I've got in various states of progression.  I want to flesh those out a bit and spring them on a couple of playtest groups.  I've got some possibilities for some gaming groups down here in NZ Kiwiland and I'm hoping to have at least one as my sandbox group for spring old school mayhem on.  More to follow!  It's good to get back in the saddle again :)! 

Delve! Issue 2 ready for purchase at RPGNow

OK gang, it's up and ready for purchase at RPGNow:

Delve! Issue 2 is DONE!!

OK, OK so it took over two years but I've been REALLY  busy moving across the world and whatnot.  At any rate, it has to go through the approval process at RPGNow and will be available for purchase.  I'll post once ready.  In the meantime, here's some glimpses of art from Delve! 2.