Weekly Creature Feature x2: Alicanto and Alkonost

I've been pretty non-content oriented with this blog since the holidays. I aim to change that this week. So I guess that's a New Year's Resolution of sorts. Today we have two creatures, the Alicanto and the Alkonost. The Alicanto comes from Chilean folklore and the Alkonost is from Russian Legend. They have of course been embellished by me quite a bit. As with all of my Critters, these are designated Open Game Content. The follow on illustrations are not open game content and are the sole property of myself. Enjoy and happy gaming!

Name: Alicanto
No. Enc: 1
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 60’ (20’)
Fly: 150’ (50’)
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 2
Attacks: 1, special
Damage: 1d4, special
Save: M1
Morale: 6
Hoard Class: XII, XIII

Description: Alicanto are incredibly rare creatures believed to be from the plane of earth resembling peacocks. These beasts are nocturnal and have an insatiable appetite for precious metals such as gold and silver. Alicanto have the ability to detect veins of precious ore. Once detected, the Alicanto has the ability to pass freely through the earth to reach the vein of ore. It will then feed until it is sated (consuming the equivalent of 500 gp weight in ore). At which time the Alicanto will go into a state of torpor for 1d4 weeks as it processes it meal.

The Alicanto emits a silver or golden glow (depending on the type of metal it has detected). The glow grows brighter as the Alicanto approaches the ore. If followed in the pursuit of a meal, the Alicanto has the ability to confuse the pursuers via the light it emits. Pursuers must save versus spell or be affected as with a Feeblemind spell. The Alicanto can peck with its metal hard beak for 1d4 points of damage.

The appearance of an Alicanto depends on when it is encountered in its metabolic cycle. When it is active and has not fed, an Alicanto appears as a dun colored bird approximately the size and appearance of a peacock. After it has fed, the Alicanto is for all intents and purposes an ornately crafted statue fashion from gold or silver (dependant on the last meal). As it metabolizes the metal, it will lose its luster and fade to it usual dun color and become active once more.

Alicanto are found in mountainous regions rich in ore. They are thought of as a mixed blessing by miners and prospectors that greatly prize the ore detection capabilities of the Alicanto but are wary of its dietary habits.

Name: Alkonost
No. Enc: 2d4
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 60’ (20’)
Fly: 150’ (50’)
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 3
Attacks: 3 (2 claws, special)
Damage: 1d4, 1d4, special
Save: F3
Morale: 7
Hoard Class: XVII

Description: Alkonosts appear as having the upper body of beautiful maidens and the lower portions of great golden eagles. Despite their beauty, Alkonosts are of a malevolent nature. Alkonosts are the harbingers of doom and their mournful cries presage woe and misery.

Alkonosts primarily attack in small flocks using their life draining wail. All creatures within 30’ must save versus death or lose one life level. When a character loses all of its life levels, it dies and the Alkonosts will begin to feed upon the corpse. Alkonosts have sharp talons that inflict 1d4 points of damage. Note, the affects of the Alkonost’s wail can be negated via using silence spells or other such means of sound nullification such as using wax ear plugs.

Alkonosts possess limited oracular abilities and can be entreated with as long as the proper propitiations are observed. A live sacrifice of an ox rubbed in scented oils and fed only on new grain for two weeks must be made in the presence of the Alkonosts by the light of a full moon. A minimum of three Alkonosts are required for the oracular abilities to work. The Alkonosts will proceed to devour the beast and as they feed, they may be asked one yes or no question as per the contact outer plane spell (the oracular ability functions exactly as a contact outer plane spell with the number of Alkonosts present determining the percentage chance of a true answer. One question may be asked of each Alkonost present. The questions must be asked prior to the ox being devoured. It will take 20 rounds for three Alkonosts to devour a full sized ox (subtract one round for each additional Alkonost present). At the end of this time, the Alkonost will then attack anyone present.


  1. The detail is very impressive and there are starting points here for diversions and even whole adventures. I love this feature!

  2. Thanks! I really think monsters should provide opportunities for adventure beyond just thins that need to be killed. Most great stories involve heroes tricking, trapping, or somehow working with monsters to achieve a goal. I want to give folks the option of tricking Cerebus with honey cakes rather than necessarily killing him.

  3. I particularly like the Alicanto. For some reason, It seems very Spanish or Portuguese influence. Like something from a legend during Don Quixote's time.

  4. Thanks Joe. It is based upon a Chilean legend. I've got some pretty neat bestiaries and books of monster, legend, myth, and lore. I love delving into folklore from every era of human experience. It is fun stuff for sure.


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