Non RPG Interlude on Digital Comics

I was a bit skeptical about digital comics. I just much preferred the real deal. I'm a comics guy. I was a comics fan before I became an RPG fan. Much of my predelictions in RPGs, Lietature, and other entertainment are pretty heavily informed by comics. My life's goal at one point was to become a comic book artist/writer. That is until I found out that sequential art is serious work. Well, that and there are a lot of folks doing it that are a lot better suited to doing sequential art than I am.

Alright, back on topic. Last summer I signed up for a Marvel Comics digital subscription. I have a tendancy to be a comic addict so I figured that at least I could get my fix without having even more boxes of comics taking up space. I didn't have much more faith in digital comics than that. I tell you, after the paying the $70 per year entrance fee, I found I now had access to an incredible number of Marvel Back Issues. Part of my compulsion in comics is that I'm a completist. I want to know every detail, even if the story and art suck, at least I was in possession of that nugget of knoweldge of what happened. That lead me to try and complete full runs of many series. You know what, I have found that digital comics have scratched that itch. Not only that, I'm pretty much off hard copies unless there is something I feel I simply must have. Even then, I think about it for a good long while before I purchase.

I'm bringing this all up because Dark Horse Comics is set to have a digital launch this month. Dark Horse has been putting out some seriously amazing work. I'm a big fan of Mike Mignola's Hellboy and the now associated B.P.R.D. universe. The Dark Horse Conan, Star Wars, and many other titles are cool too. And now it looks like I'll be able to get my digital fix. For those interested, head over to Dark Horse and check it out.


  1. Totally agree on the love for Mignola's work - both as artist and writer - his blend of fantasy and horror is right in my wheelhouse. I'll see what you think about the digital stuff, maybe I'll stop the analog. (I know what you mean about the long boxes having a tendency to multiply and take up space...)

  2. I adore Mignola's work, primarily because I have a strong bent toward abstract painting and love the black/white vibe shared by MM and say, Franz Kline.

    It's funny JB, you and I must have had similar experiences as youngsters. I too wanted to work in comics, but I went down the academic path instead after realizing that it was the path of least resistance (when compared to working in comics).

    I'll definitely check out the Dark Horse launch. Thanks for the "heads up".

  3. @Beedo -I'll let you know. I wasn't clear if they had a subscription like Marvel does or if it was by issue. I really, really hope they hav a flat subscription rate. That is an incredibly cool feature of the Marvel digital stuff.

    @Scagrad - In college I was a fine art student and heavily into things like Kline, Piccasso, Basquiat, etc. Liking Mignola is not much of a leap from there. If you you at my work in my portfolio, the Mignola influence is readily apparent (especially in my newer stuff).

  4. Love Mignola, Love Adam Warren's Empowered, Love Dark Horse and LOVE Comics!

    You are speaking my language brother. I too was a comic book fan before I discovered RPGs and literally grew up around them (my uncle worked for a magazine and newspaper distributor that handled, among other publications, DC Comics and MAD Magazine.

  5. Hi Johnathan. I like your blog. I probably told you that before. Anyway, I'm looking into getting one of those pen/pad thingys so I can draw comics on them. Never thought I'd say that, after being a pencil and paper person, but, why not.

    Glad you're enjoying your digital comics. Have a most wonderful weekend. And, as always, I say, Happy Eating.

  6. @Barking Alien - I have way more comics than a grown man probably should, but then again, who really wants to grow up. I LOVE comics a bit too much I suppose.

    @Happy Whisk - Thanks! I am very glad that you enjoy my blog. Yours is great too. Ita always makes me, um, incredibly hungry ;). Having a WACOM tablet is nice. I'm a pen and paper person but the tablet does provide some flexibility. I'll admit to not being as much of a digital artist as my wife, but, I'm trying. She will have her blog up and going soon. She has a background in costumre design and the like so her topics will be much different than my geekery, but she is quite the tallented crafter.

  7. Great to hear about your wife's blog. Please do keep me posted so I can say hello to her and join her new blog.

    I was just looking at a WACOM online, trying to see if it will work with Xara. I'm excited about doing cartoons.


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