Game hate... what's it good for, absolutely nothin!

I'm not quite sure what all the hate is about for WotC, old schoolers, new schoolers, Palladium, middle schooler, er... really any of it? Well, I take that back, I know folks are feeling upset that the game they loved as a kid back in the 70's and 80's is (at least in their mind) being destroyed. I understand being upset (kinda) but the thing that outright blows my mind is the amount of rage that some folks seem to display. I'm far from a corporate appologist, but in this case, I just can't make the connection. I'm not a fan of collectable crazes. I've never played Magic or D&D minis. I'm pretty much an old school gamer, but I'm willing to play most anything to at least give it a fair shake. There are quite a few games I don't care for, many that I'm ambivalent about. But hate? For a GAME? Nah. Just seems as crazy as fighting over which is better, the colors mauve or tope. And the same goes for the other way around with any of the newer games hating the old school stuff. Isn't there enough crap in this world to worry about to hate someone over a game? It's all silly, but then again, I'm a grown man that spends probably far too much time day dreaming about wizards, dragons, and dark dungeons. Oh yeah, and kumba yah to you too m'lord.


  1. Maybe this is a case of a vague word ("hate") being used by a bunch of people in a bunch of different ways and to lesser and greater extremes? I myself suffer from game-apathy; certain games just don't warrant any sort of time investment IMO. Sometimes that apathy may be misconstrued as hate I guess.

  2. I'm with you, Johnathan.

    For me, it's all about the positive. Why waste energy being negative about 4e, especially if you don't even play it, like most of the other OSR guys I chat with?

    remember the ROLPUNK ethic. Fuck the hate, game on!

  3. @Greg - You'd think so, but there are folks actually saying that they want the folks at WotC to lose their jobs or die or whatever. Just really crazy. I know it's impassioned but really, this is a GAME we are talking about. I'll never understand that kind of behavior.

    @Dyson - I don't know. I guess just let them grow older and more bitter. I'll continue to enjoy my games without worrying what everyone else is playing. Nice thing about pen and paper games, they don't go obsolete, the book never requires a hardware up grade, no batteries needed, etc.

  4. Ah, gotcha. The militant fringe of gaming culture. I guess every hobby needs one?


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