
Showing posts from January, 2013

Another Person's Two Cents on the WotC Pdfs

OK, so I finally managed to log on and check out what is avilable so far.  I'm stoked about what I've seen so far.  For Christmas, I was excited to recieve a Kind Fire HD and have proceeded to load all 32 GB of that baby up with digital comics and gaming pdfs.  I gotta say, WotC's release of all this new material is making me decide exactly how I need to manage content on my Kindle.  Anyway, it is a good thing that now I have too much to choose from.  I recall WotC making this announcement back at GenCon 2011 but have since forgotten about it.  Am I afraid of what this means for the small press guys that make Old School stuff?  Not really.  I mean the hard core old school gamers have been supporting the small press guys for years and they still have their origial books.  The release of the old stuff to a newer audience means that new generations will get exposed to a type of gaming that us older folks know and love.  Releasing it as digital content is great too.  With the a

WTF WotC!?!?!

Why the hell would they release their back catalog.  Are they frigging crazy?  Hehe, of course I'm just kidding.  Once the servers as RPGNow recover from the gold rush, I suppose I'll go check it out. 

Latest Art Work

Here's a peek at my latest work for Joe Browning at Expeditious Retreat Press for an adventure entitled:  Redtooth Ridge

Happy New Year

Hard to believe it's 2013.  2012 was a very busy year in which I learned a lot.  I would have liked to be more present in the blogosphere and Google+, but I was otherwise occupied.  I released Delve!  issue 1 and learned quite a bit.  I'm working on Delve! issue 2 and learning quite a bit.  I have a lot of art commissions for Expeditious Retreat Press which are fun and time consuming (so between Delve! and my art, that's mostly why I've mostly been absent).  I need to get my game on more this year.  I have a willing group, now I have to carve out the time.  This year I'd like to work on more on my writing and design.  I feel pretty comfortable with my process for creating visual art and have considerably decreased my production times so I'm working on developing a process to increase my writing and design output.  We'll see how that goes.  I signed up for a Deviantart account and will start putting some of my work on there.  Looking through my portfolio the