I am Now Complete

Well, actually, to be more precise, my softcover copy of Swords and Wizardry Complete arrived yesterday. It is a very nice presentation and overall looks really good. Kudos to the Frog God. I still have to look through the text. At some point, I'm going to pull out all my retro-clones and comb through them and decide how I best want to cannibalize them for my own homebrew. I'll post more about it after I have a chance to look through it and digest the contents.


  1. I got my a while back and it looks good and overall is good, but was a bit surprised that it moved more towards AD&D. Not that I mine, but surprised.

  2. I'm looking forward to going through it. I'd like to get a copy of Advanced Edition Companion and see how they stack up. I like to see how folks tinker with things so for me, the differences are very interesting as I like to take the best bits for me and make my own.

  3. I doubt I'll have time, but I'd like to do a comprehensive comparison between S&W Complete, LL w/ AEC, OSRIC, and actual AD&D 1e.

  4. @Higgipedia- I have this fantasy that I'll have the time to pull out the OD&D 3 LBB's, all the supplements, Holmes, BECMI, Moldvay, Rules Cyclopedia, AD&D 1e and all of the clones and do a comparisson. I think the scary thing is that I actually own all of these to include 2e, 3e, 3.5 and 4e (much to my wife's chagrin). I am nothing if not a completist - well that and a huge geek with more money than sense I suppose ;).


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