Weekly creature feature The Aspis

It is that time once again to plunder the riches of Myth, Folklore and Legend to present beasties for use in you campaign outside the usual suspects. Always keep them guessing. At any rate, I continue to utilize the wonderful resource Giants, Monsters and Dragons: An Encyclopedia of Folklore, Legend, and Myth by Carol Rose. Today I present the Aspis, a small draconic creature similar to the wyvern. As per usual, I've modified it a bit to make it a challenging pack hunter. The Aspis had a big weakness according to folklore, which I've modified a bit to make it more playable. As per usual, the Weekly Creature Feature is designated Open Gaming Conent and uses Labyrinth Lord statistics. Any accompanying art is not Open Gaming Content. Withour further ado:

Name: Aspis
No. Enc: 1-6
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 90’ (30’)
Fly: 120’ (40’)
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 3
Attacks: 2 (claw, bite)
Damage: 1d4, 1d6, poison
Save: F4
Morale: 7
Hoard Class: XVIII

Description: A small, draconic creature that is believed to be a smaller cousin of the wyvern. The Aspis hunts in thick forests, utilizing its poisonous bite. Aspis appear much as small wyvern except that they are the size of large dogs and do not possess a stinger in their tails. Instead, the Aspis has large fangs akin to a poisonous snake. Anyone bitten by an Aspis must make a successful save versus poison or die. They are also relatively clumsy fliers; preferring to attack from the trees utilizing their wings for short hovers and to carry them back to the cover of canopy in combat if necessary. Aspis tend to hunt in small packs with the lead by the largest and strongest. Aspis are not particularly intelligent or brave. They will flee if a battle is going against them.

Of note, the Aspis has a peculiar vulnerability to rhythmic sounds such as those made by percussion instruments. If employing a drum against an Aspis, the Aspis must make a save versus death as a fourth level fighter or be affected by a stupor inflicting a -3 penalty on die rolls. The Aspis is only so affected by drums or similar hollow percussion instruments and not by merely banging sticks or other objects in a rhythmic manner.


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