Going Old School at GenCon

I have to admit that I'm pretty excited about the news of several Old School publishers setting up a booth at GenCon this summer (see link in yesterday's post for more info). I'll admit to not being much of a convention goer and I've never been to any of the big conventions. At most, I tend to check out the local cons and play a game and browse the vendors. This year, I'm going to make a concerted effort to get to GenCon. It looks like I might just be able to pull it off too. Getting from Italy back to the Midwest and back can be pricey. It will work out well too since pretty much everything shuts down in August here in Italy since everyone goes on vacation. Never thought I'd be excited to fly from Italy to Indiana. Ironically enough I'm going to make a business trip to Indy the first week of February so I'll try and get the lay of the land and scope out possible hotels and the like. Any suggestions from experienced folks?


  1. That's dedication, man, to come all the way from across the Atlantic!

  2. Hey, you know, we make sacrifices for the things we love right? ;).

  3. Pre-register and use the GenCon housing system to book your hotel. It will save you a lot of headache.


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