OpenQuest arrived today

I didn’t get a chance to post yesterday since I was off doing my day job and didn’t get home until late. So I didn’t get any time to really catch up on a few blogs I follow. I’m still busy today, but I wanted to take a moment to mention that I received my copy of OpenQuest and Mythic Russia today. I’m pretty excited about these two items because it shows that the hobbyist game developers and members of the OSR really have been successful not just in cloning older D&D properties, but indeed there is more going on out there than really gets mentioned. D101 games looks like it is the torch bearer for the RuneQuest/d100 game clone scene. I’ll admit, I’m not too much up on RuneQuest, never having played a game, but I’m certainly interested in it. I know for many European gamers, RuneQuest resonates more than D&D does and carries quite an impact over here still. I’d like to know more about that scene and I’m excited about going through OpenQuest and Mythic Russia. Right now from a very surreptitious glance through, the production values look excellent. Over the days (weeks and months) to come, I’ll dig into them some more and give my thoughts. D&D and clones are where my heart is, but I’m excited to see the hobbyist segment well diversified.


  1. OpenQuest is a great game, and Newt is one of those guys that you just want to support. His enthusiasm is infectious. You should share a review once you have had a chance to try out the game.

  2. I will. I'm really impressed! I wish I had been more into the RuneQuest thing back in the day. However, this will do nicely. Probably one of the best, most under rated clones out there from what I've been seeing so far.


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