Old School Renaissance Projects

I have several hobbyist gaming projects in the works. My New Year’s Resolution of sorts was to focus. More specifically, bring focus to my OSR projects. Here’s a rundown of where I’m at with my projects and what I have in the works (and what I’d like to work on).

Delve! – My reimagining of the classic board game Dungeon! I’ve got the classes and monster list down as well as spells and effects. Delve! Will use 2d10 instead of 2d6 but will play much like the original game with a few added rules; so not a direct clone but more a project in the spirit of the original. I intend on doing a full mockup of the board game to give to my son for his birthday. So that means the game will have to be completed or playable by 11 May 2011. I intend on publishing the rule set upon completion.

Strange Magic! – Working title for now. This will be my rules supplement to Labyrinth Lord detailing ritual, summoning, pact, rune, divine/spiritual, and craft magics as well as supporting disciplines and the like. I’m still in the very early stages of brainstorming on this but it is starting to coagulate into something pretty nicely. I hope to have a published rules supplement out by the end of 2011.

Dohnstanziea – My campaign world supplement for Labyrinth Lord. Again working title. This will include a campaign world map, my magic rules, a gazetteer of the campaign area, a bestiary, and some adventures. No ETA as this is a rather large undertaking and will depend on several of my smaller projects being completed as it will incorporate rules from those.

Basalt Keep of Wilven the Yellow – A Labyrinth Lord adventure. I have progressed nicely on the maps and they should be done soon. I’ll work from there to flesh out the adventure but have the overarching framework. I am thinking about including rules for sanity effects as well as otherworldly corruption rules. It will be a fairly high kevel adventure (I’m thinking level 6-8 or between six an 10 – we’ll see when I flesh it out a bit more). I want it to have a very otherworldly, creepy, atmospheric feel.

Other adventures – At some point, I’m going to go back and work on Sinister Sightings at Dustchapel Downs. A lower level adventure along the lines of level 2-4 for Labyrinth Lord. Again, a creepy atmospheric adventure. The Dustchapel Downs adventure was intended to be part of a series entiled Shadows of the Umbra Palace. I’ll work on that as well.

4C – Oh hell yeah, 4C! I LOVED Marvel Super Heroes FASERIP rules. There was a time that I played them WAY more than D&D. I had Trapper Keepers FULL of character sheets for characters I developed. I am for sure going to do something for this system. I haven’t quite decided what that is, but this is something I’m dying to work on. It may get bumped up the priority ladder a bit depending on how bad the itch gets to do something for this.

So, that is a basic run down of what I have in the works. Should keep me quite busy for the foreseeable future! Oh, I haven’t even received my copies of OpenQuest, Mutant Future, hard copy of OSRIC, Swords and Wizardry Complete yet. Yeah, quite busy indeed. And that is not even mentioning any art commissions that may come up!


  1. Quiite a list of projects! I'm a big fan of the FASERIP system, too. I don't know that I played it more than AD&D, but I played the hell out of it.

  2. It's a list and I'm not anticipating tackling them all this year. I did want to lay them out on the table so I could see what I'm up against for my own projects. I'm really excited to get to be on the writing end of things for a change too.

  3. Sounds like some interesting OSR projects. Here's my contribution for something new for the OSR: Lost Empires RPG, a very different set of rules that have an old school feel. You can check it out at www.roguecomet.com. If nothing else, I think you'll like the artwork :-)

  4. @Stan - Wow, I do like the art. Very nice indeed. I'm intrigued and will look into it further. Thanks for the info!


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