
I got my notice that all three of my Petty Gods submissions will be in James Maliszewski’s Petty Gods project. I love that I get to participate in something like this as I think it exemplifies the hobbyist DIY nature of the hobby. On occasion I read on various message boards that the hobby is dying, that 4e is a flop, or whatever the latest doom and gloom is. While I don’t think the hobby will get back to the glory days of the early/mid 1980’s, I think it has settled in and there are enough of us with kids that are passing the hobby along to the next generation. As long as there are hobbyist willing to continue to play and create new material, quite frankly it doesn't matter if the more commercial companies stop producing RPGs.

But anyway, I digress. I am goofy excited to participate. It’s just a little validating to be able to contribute. Based upon what I’ve seen so far, It’s going to be awesome!


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