Boxes o fun

You know, only a true freak gets excited about getting a box of Bristol paper and 750ml of fluid titanium white acrylic paint in the mail. Yeah, that freak would be me and I got my box o’ paper and paint today. Why am I excited? Because it’s been a long time since I did some good old fashioned acrylic painting and I got lots of ideas for some weird fantasy paintings I want to do. I can’t wait to start slingin’ some paint!

I also received one of my Lulu orders in the mail today and I’m very excited about that as well. In it, I have Fight On! #5 (I’m a bit behind the power curve, but well, what are you gonna do?), Savage Swords of Athanor by Doug Easterly for use with the Swords and Wizardry rules (dinosaurs, planetary romance, laser guns, magic – oh hell yeah, this will be fun), and last but certainly not least is Exquisite Corpses by Stefan Poag (crazy mix and match folded paper manual of monsters in the weird fantasy vein for use with Old School Role Playing games – I’m gonna devour this one; it is fan-freaking-tastic concept). At any rate, I was going to do a review today but I am still in the middle of Death Frost Doom by James Raggi as well as Carcosa by Geoffrey Mc Kinney. I hope to finish those by this weekend and get back to my projects (maps, monsters, and mayhem oh my!), decorate for Christmas, go cut and set up the tree, try and find some good punk rock Christmas albums, go see a live performance of Mary Poppins in Italian with the kids, try to make it out to the winery and stock up on some more cabernet and proseco, go through my stock of German beer and make a list for a beer run to Germany in the near future (hey, that’s important stuff!), and do some painting. Sounds like a good weekend!


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