Old School Renaissance Art Book

Hey, it's my 100th post!!! Hooray for me! Ahem, alrighty then... in other news, Matthew Finch of Swords and Wizardry fame has made a call for OSR artists to take part in an art book he's putting together. Here's a link to the call on Knights and Knaves Alehouse Forums: link. He's under a time constraint so he needs the submissions quick. I encourage all of you Old School style artists to contribute. I am happy to get my work out there even if it's pro bono. Mostly cause I'm an attention whore like that, but if you don't promote, chances are that unless you hire someone, no one else will. Anyway, I'm looking forward to a good product. As an artist, I don't think that many of the good artists really get the attention they deserve (aside from Pete Mullen, and well, he deserves it). I tell you, art takes time to create, is a challenge to produce, and no matter what, you are never compensated nearly enough for the time and effort put forth. So most of these guys and gals in the OSR are definitely doing it for the love of doing it and not for the cash (except me cause it's good beer money). All cheekiness aside, if you have a favorite artist, I can tell you from experience, it is always good to make some comment about how much you like their work (you rock Stefan Poag!). Hell, even an honest critique is appreciated. Most of us want to hone our skills so telling us what you didn't like (and doing it in a civil, constructive manner) is actually just as helpful as praise (often more so - it helps us get progressively better which gives you higher quality products that are a joy to behold).

At any rate, I hope some of you will pick the book up when it comes out and then drop your favorite artist a line and let them know that you think they have enhanced your enjoyment of the game.


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