Live! Dungeon! Action!

So we've been having quite a bit of fun with Dungeon! at the Bingham household. I tell you, there is nothing quite like an Old School dungeon crawl to make fun for the whole family and Dungeon is about as basic a dungeon crawl as you can get (and quite a bit of fun to boot!). I took some video from yesterday's session. My three year old daughter really got into the game and as quite entertaining in her own right. My six year old son Bear really is into the game. Looks like I've got a few old school delvers in the making!

Here's Rosa showing off her awesome dice rolling technique:

Rosa loses to a monster:

Rosa beats a werewolf:

Many more adventures to follow I'm sure!


  1. This is the good stuff of life. Love the dice roll. Thanks for sharing. What a hoot.

  2. Oh man, I love how the dice go flying across the floor. That is so cute and I agree with Whisk, that family time is so precious!

  3. The family time is indeed precious. We tend to do a lot projects and the like together. We decided long ago to not have a TV (well, we have one but it is only hooked up to a DVD player). So no TV and no video games. We do lots of board games and lots of art projects.

    My daughter really got into playing Dungeon! It was pretty funny (as you can see from the videos). She actually ended up winnig. I think that had to do with her not having any preconcieved notions and she really didn't care one way or another about winning. She just wanted to see what kind of scary monster was in the next room. Pure gaming goodness.

  4. This could be the future of roleplaying. Maybe games should be played standing up to really get a feel for the exertions, and dice thrown as if swinging a weapon. It started here with Rosa!

  5. Pure gaming goodness, indeed. Thanks for dropping by. Your lunch sounds fantastic. Now, if I could just teleport you, my teleport machine, then I could try some, too.


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