Stormbringer and Elric! Question

I've been thinking a lot about Moorcock's worlds lately and am very curious about the early Chaosium versions of the eternal champion game. I don't have much experience and was wondering what the best edition to start with would be. I'm particularly interested in the summoning/sorcery rules as I'm thinking about incorporating a summoning system into my OSR setting.


  1. I played both first and second edition of Stormbringer back in the day. I have seen more people say they preferred second over first, and I would have to agree, but the differences seemed minimal to me. In the end, I can highly recommend both. I would see which is the easiest and cheapest to obtain, and go from there.

  2. Thanks Shane! Out of curiosity, any experience with any of the other source books? I'm eyeing Stormbringer 2nd edition and the Corum sourcebook.

  3. I'm selling all my Stormbringer/Elric! stuff on ebay right now, it was everything I could get my hands on 10 years ago - see for the list & ebay link

  4. Pat - but I want it now! Just kidding. I've put them on my watch list so I'm interested.

  5. I really enjoyed Stormbringer 1e back in the day. I recently bought some Elric! stuff and read through it, but never played. I believe Elric! has the most supplemental material available of the various editions, if that helps or matters.

  6. Thanks Bighara, actually it will help quite a bit I think. I'd like to delve into some of the rules and supplemental rules. Moorcock's work (and to be more precise) his use of sorcery and entreating with supernatural beings is something I'd like to capture the feel of and port to my campaign world.


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