Delve Board Game Project Progress Update

I’m still working on my reimagining of the Dungeon! Board game. I had a whole slew of classes and other things, but I think ultimately I want to trim it down. Here’s a list of possible classes: Warrior Princess, Dwarf, Elf, Knight, Wizard, Thief, Cleric. I threw the warrior princess class in there for my daughter so it’d be a good hook to interest her at some point (she’s all about the princesses right now). But seeing as she’s only three, it’ll be a couple of years before I get her going.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’m going to replace the Dungeon! 2d6 mechanic with a 1d20. That is because I’d like to ultimately have eight levels instead of six with more monster variations and feel the d20 will better enable that. Initially, I’ll be play testing on the actual Dungeon! Board, but I do want to come up with my own board at some point. The plan is to have all of this fleshed out and a complete new game by May in time for my son’s seventh birthday. I’m going through the monster list and adding more undead (for the cleric). I’m also adding things like more varied monsters, more types of traps, etc. Overall, I want there to be a little more variation so that the game stays a bit more exciting for a longer period of time. I’m going to incorporate more magic spells as well as more magic treasure. So far it is slow going as I have about four projects I’m working on so I have to divide my time (as well as maintain a day job and you know, hang out with my family). I have made mockups of the Delve! monster cards and will try printing some out to see how they look. I'm using MS Publisher's business card template set to the 1"x2" size of the original Dungeon! cards. My son is excited and asks me for a progress report a couple times a week. I think I’ll just sort of make incremental changes to the existing Dungeon game for now until I completely replace it. More progress reports to follow!


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