The Classic Fantasy and Hireling Generator Web Site

Thanks to Tim Shorts over at Gothridge Mannor for providing the link to Meatshields! The Classic Fantasy Hireling and Henchment Generator by kiltedyaksman and cr0m. The interface is incredibly simple: specify if you are going to pay the five gold to hire a town crier, specify the town size from a dropdown menu, and just click a button. You get a listing of five potential recruits, recruiting cost, their type (torch bearer, man-at-arms, etc), race, Hit Points, Sex, weapons, armor, alignment, background, possesions and knowledge, and notable features.

Here's an example listing that I got:
Name: Cortik
Type: Torch-Bearer
Race: Human
HP: 2
Sex: M
Weapon: Dagger
Armor: None
Alignment: Chaos
Background: Failed Temple Acolyte
Possesions and Knowledge: Sock full of sling stones
Notable Features: Dark eyes

How awesome is that? It really simplifies the process of coming up with a bunch of unsavory folk that are willing to risk it all for a little gold. Thanks to Tim for the link and thanks to kiltedyaksman and cr0m for making such a great tool!


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