OSR project and Illustration updates

Slow blogging week for me, but that doesn't mean I'm not actively enaged in OSR goodness! I've been doing several illustrations for Joe Browning at Expeditious Retreat Press and Peter Spahn of Small Niche Games. I'm putting the finishing touches on a couple of cover pieces. Daisey has once again outdone herself on the coloring. I'm trilled with how they came out. The Small Niche Games pics are turning out nicely as well. After that? Well, I've got a couple of pictures I need to get on for ckutalik at the Hill Cantons blog and a GENCON tournament module for XRP. Yeah, so I'm staying busy. I can't wait to share some of the color work. Man, it has been a busy year on the art front. You'd almost think I was a full time artist ;).

As to my other projects? Well, they are delayed due to the extreme amount of artwork I've been doing but not forgotten. I've been reading up on Higher Spatial dimensions in Clifford A. Pickover's book Surfing Through Hyperspace. I am for sure going to put that to use in my Basalt Keep adventure. The maps are done for Basalt Keep but I've only keyed about five areas. Polstrus Lev the first level is almost keyed out. I'm going to run Bear through that when it's done to see how well it plays. I'm envisaging it as an intro level module for kids. Not so much just a first level module, but more an introduction to RPGs through problem solving and critical thinking and of course a little combat action to keep it lively. I've also finished the Funarary Isle Map, now I need to key it. It will also have a dungeon a well. I'm also still ruminating on ideas for magic supplements for Old School Fantasy games. Beyond that, well, I have a ton of ideas brewing that involve the 4c Superhero system, some space horror with Stars Without Number, and more. Gotta get through everything else first though. Stay on target...;).


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