Gaming with Young Kids: Adventure Design Notes for the Warrens Polstrus Lev

So I'm about halfway done keying up the first level of Polstrus Lev. This is proving to be a bit more challenging for me as I'm making this adventure specifically with my six year old son in mind. So I'm wanting to downplay the combats and really play up the traps, tricks, and puzzles. I'm also intending this to be a bit more forgiving so the younger gamers don't get discuoraged when they spring a trap and die. I want to encourage critical thinking and learning from mistakes so the traps will be less deadly and more of, well, um traplike (detaining/restraining/delaying) in nature. Also, I am planting clues for situation that arise later in the dungeon. I'm thinking about watching Goonies again as that really is the sort of feel I want for the Warrens of Polstrus Lev. We've played several games of Dungeon! and that is great fun. My intent with Polstrus Lev is to now bridge the gap between RPGs and board games like Dungeon! There is enough danger to be thrilling, but not the usual old school killer dungeon. We'll see if I suceed. I've got an encounter with a giant crab spider, some giant rats, some skeletons, and some areas to explore. I'll probably include some puzzles that involve reading skills and math skills that are age appropriate.


  1. Well done! GOONIES seems like an ideal source text to consult for this.


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