200th Blog post and Two Weekly Creature Features!

Wow, two hundred posts. I did not mark the occasion when I reached 100 posts, but I feel that I should do so now. Why? Not because anything I've done, but because of the folks out there that continue to inspire me with their creativity and insight. There are several posts out there in blogland (and on message boards) about the history of the OSR, if the OSR is a movement, is the OSR dead, is the OSR viable, is the OSR crap, etc. Well, I don't know about all of that. I'm just happy that hobbyist gamers are continuing to put out some great stuff. I will say that while I'm deeply appreciative of the pioneers that came before; however, I also do not subscribe to the notion that I should be eternally beholden to what these folks did and worship the ground they walk on. They laid a fine groundwork and folks continue to build upon that groundwork to make new and interesting stuff. In the end, this is all about fun and thanks to the folks out there that are interested in creating new and exciting adventures!

So, thank you folks out there that have been continuing to read my blog posts. I hope that you find something occasionally useful, inspiring, etc. I'm really appreciative of the comments and feedback.

OK, so for the occasion of my 200th post, we've got two creatures designed by my son Bear. I tell you, I think THIS is what the hobby is all about. Exploring all the weird horizons, fantastic landscapes, fever dreams, nightmares in closets, sublime enigmas that come to mind. Working with my six year old son to look at the fantastic from a vantage no longer available to me has been nothing short of amazing. I hope that you find something to laugh at or increase your sense of the amazing. I really cannot express my sense of gratitude to be able to share these things with my son. It has built a connection that I feel I never was able to have with my own father. Enough said.

So, as with all of my weekly creature features, the below monsters are designated Open Game Content. Feel free to use them in you own gaming material. The illustrations are closed content and property of myself and my son Bear. So without further ado, I bring you the Fire Corby and Ethereal Lantern Fish. Enjoy, great gaming, and thanks for reading. Oh, and stay tuned, there is more to come (I'll post a project update on my various adventures and gaming material next)!

Name: Fire Corby
No. Enc: 1d20
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 30’ (10’)
Fly: 180’ (60’)
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 1d4 hp
Attacks: 1, special
Damage: 1d3, special
Save: F1
Morale: 6
Hoard Class: X

Description: Fire Corbies are malicious birds of murderous intent. Appearing much as ordinary crows or ravens, these birds are far from ordinary. Much like there more mundane feathered brethren, Fire Corbies delight in objects of a shiny nature and have a taste for carrion. However, these proclivities in the Fire Corbie takes on a rather arsonous bent. Fire Corbies seek out open flame or burning embers. They are completely immune to the effects of nonmagical fire. The Fire Corbies will consume the burning coals and fan the flames about themselves. They will then seek to spread the flames so as to immolate any nearby living creatures. The Fire Corbies will flock about a chosen victim and inflict 1d3 points of damage with their beaks plus another 1d6 points of fire damage. Once the victim has succumbed to the flames, the Fire Corbies will then proceed to feast on the remains.

Fire Corbies are immune to nonmagical fire but are repelled by water. Splashing a group of Fire Corbies with water will have the effect of dispersing them for 1d10 turns.

Name: Ethereal Lantern Fish
No. Enc: 1d4
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120’ (40’)
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 2
Attacks: 1, special
Damage: 1d4, special
Save: F2
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: XIX

Description: Ethereal Lantern Fish are truly a horrific sight. Denizens of the Ethereal plane, these horrible, bloated creatures swim through the ether looking for victims to sate their continual hunger. When the venture into the Prime Material plane, their glowing lantern is the only part of their bloated bodies that are readily apparent. This light appears much as a mundane lantern, yet it will float about as if on some unseen tide. Often, a small school of these creatures will create an eerie light show of bobbing and languidly drifting lights. The Ethereal Lantern Fish are only able to be hit by magic weapons while in their ethereal state. However, they will fully manifest in the Prime Material in order to attack (at which point they are armor class seven and may be hit by normal weapons). Upon a successful hit, the Ethereal Lantern Fish has latched onto its opponent and will then return to its Ethereal state (taking the victim along). It will continue to inflict 1d4 points of damage each round until it or its victim is slain (in which case it will proceed to consume the corpse).


  1. Great monsters, fantastic artwork Bear, wonderful blog - thank you both once again. Congratulations on reaching 200 posts Johnathan.

  2. Great pictures and congrats on 200 posts. I just celebrated 100. Blogging is so fun. Glad to see your creativity through your wife, you and your kids. Still love how your daughter shakes her dice. Great stuff.

  3. Thanks all. It has been quite a lot of fun! Looking forward to the next 200 and beyond!

  4. Congratulations on 200 posts! I dig that lantern fish, too.

  5. Congrats on 200 posts! How long before Bear starts taking OSR commissions?

  6. Both those creatures are worrying and well thought out. Like father like son. Congratulations!

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