Wired Geek Dad blog feature about some OSR projects

A nice little spotlight on our corner of the world today. Over at the Geek Dad blog, he mentions a couple of ways to get your name up in flashing lights in the RPG community. Like me, he is corrupting his son by involving him in various RPG projects ;). Adventurer Conquerer King and Fight On! are explicitly mentioned. Who knows, maybe oneday Bear Bingham will be on the rolls of RPG game designers/illustrators.


  1. When do you leave for your trip?

    Tim saw a mug on a cooking show that read, I Love Pie. I think it was love, might have been I Like Pie. Either way, it was funny and we thought of you.

    Time to boil a fresh batch of bagels. They're about done resting.

    Happy Blogging. Happy Gaming.

  2. @Whisk - Hehehe, of course it was love! How could anyone not love pie ;)!?! I'm headed back Stateside in just under two weeks. I'm lloking forward to it. Thanks!

  3. How old is your son? My guy is 9 and always looking for kids to play D&D with; look us up if you're ever in NYC.

  4. @muleabides - Bear is seven and very much interested in gaming. We've started him out on Dungeon! and he loves it. Since he is in an Italian school, we wanted to hold off another year or so before starting him on reading English (even though he is a native English speaker) untilvhe is a bit more comfortable in reading Italian. And if we find ourselves in NYC, I will do so thanks!


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