I think I'll just eat some pie

Wow, lots of crap slinging has been going on around the OSR Blogosphere. I am a bit saddened that Stephan Poag decided to not stick it out since the fun had been drained out of it. Well, as for me, I'm choosing to keep it light and just kick back and have some pie and put some adventure ideas together for my soon to be formed game group! I hope to be back at the DM helm when I get back from GENCON. I hope all's well with everyone else!


  1. Woohoo for pie. Surprised Cake hasn't been here yet. I beat him here. Go me.

    As for the drama, I'm not sure which you mean but I hope you don't let whatever it is get to you. You know, you'd probably feel better if you let Daisey make you that cape.


  2. Yep, it's sad that some people have been forced out by the negativity, but I reckon the best way to fight it is to keep your chin up and just carry on regardless, if you can. So yeah, keeping it light and having some pie sounds just about right to me.

  3. Why not a pork pie? You'd kill two birds with one stone.

  4. Make mine key lime please. :)

  5. I don't even wanna know what pork pie is.

  6. @Whisk: Get your mind out of the gutter! Here's some pork pie info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pork_pie

    The Pork and Cherry picnic pie looks ... well, English, I guess.

  7. I've never actually tried a pork pie. I'm a pretty adventurous eater though so I'd definitely give it a shot.


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