On OSR Compatability

I think one of the greatest strengths of this whole nebulous OSR thing is the willingness of folks involved to share ideas and broaden their scope to encompass other ideas all the while still giving full credit and homage to the idea originators. I say that is hella cool. James Raggi is working on a compatability license that lets folks create compatable material with is Lamentations of the Flame Princess game. You can read the preliminaries here. I'm also really excited by the similar but complimentary domain game systems coming out from CKatulik at Hill Cantons (Borderlands) and the Adventurer Conqueror King system from Autarch. Also check out the sort of combine forces approach for the domain games over at Hill Cantons here.

As for me, I'm looking forward to how I can incorporate these ideas into my Shdows of the Umbra Palace Adventure Path (which also overlaps with the Sea of O'Sr adventure path via my Maedsid adventure). Speaking of Maedsid, I'm not anticipating having anything approaching a finished adventure until sometime after I get by from my travels (so around September). I'm looking forward to networking at GENCON and feeding off some of the energy there to help flesh out some of my ideas for this adventure path. Afterwards, I'm going to assemble a gaming group to help playtest. I'd also be interested in passing Maedsid out to you guys in the community to help playtest and provide feedback. I'll keep posting on the progress and announce when I'm ready for playtests. It is an exciting time to be a gaming enthusiast (read GEEK).


  1. I'd love to see an adventure path that was compatible with the Adventurer Conqueror King System, at least in the sense "we are both drawing from similar OSR sources and I was thinking about how ACKS handles things when I decided to do things the way I did" - our compatibility license is easy to use, non-restrictive, and doesn't require our blessing but you have it anyway. If you're not already a backer, send me an email at tavis@autarch.co and I'll send you the current draft so you can check the fit; and look us up at Gen Con (booth #1541, with the OSRG) and we can talk more!
    - Tavis

  2. @Tavis - I'll definitely talk with you at GENCON. I'll be there Friday through Sunday (I'm a bit bummed that I'll miss Thursday but my plane from Italy doesn't land until 6pm). I'll be hanging around the OSR booth and talking to folks. As an artist I've been involved with quite a few of the OSR projects, especially OSRIC and Expeditious Retreat Advanced Adventures stuff so I'm looking forward tp chatting it up withfolks and doing some gaming!


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