Ouch!!! How to stop the bleedding?!?!? Free OSR Adventure on the way I promise!!!

I just noticed that I lost several followers today. I haven't been as active in the blogosphere lately due to the fact that I've been focusing all of my normal blog time to working on Isles of Maedsid. So, I'm hoping that I don't lose my entire following before I'm finished. Oh, did I mention that I intend for a free electronic release to include maps and illustrations. It's a Labyrinth Lord/Advanced Edition Companion release but it should fare well for adapting to most other Old School ruleset. Maedsid is also populateded by many entirely new (and open game content monsters) as well. I'm not going to say you won't be disappointed (because some folks just have strange tastes you know), but hell, if nothing else I hope you find some interesting nuggets in there. Besides, can't go wrong with free right? So bear with me, I intend on doing a sort of barebones release prior to me leaving for GENCON. I hope to meet and more importantly GAME with some of you there!


  1. Me too, this evening. Don't worry, it's probably just blogger screwing up...

  2. I lost one today too. I think it's what Il-Male said.

  3. I just lost one too, so could be systemic or could be the same guy?

  4. I've lost a handful...maybe blogger is getting rid of closed or inactive accounts. I am sure it has nothing to do with your fanatical pie stance.

  5. I just realized, you are getting worried about level drain, aren't you Bingham?

  6. @Tim - Yes, that MUST be it! Well, let those cake eating bastards um, eat cake ;)!!

    @Greg - Yes, I'm incredibly worried about level drain. I don't have a cleric in my party ;).

  7. LOL. Losing followers is 'level drain'. Nice one! Lost one as well, someone probably closed an account. C'est la vie.

  8. If it really gets bad you could just make up more blogger profiles and follow yourself. I think that's how James Mal keeps his numbers up.

  9. I notice that followers tend to shoot up or down by one or two every few days without much rhyme or reason.

  10. I lost a handful today, myself. I suspect its a blogger thing.

  11. yep, lost 3 myself today. ah well. no biggie

  12. How bizarre. I checked mine just now and I lost one as well.

  13. Ah well, it's all good I suppose. I won't get ovderly concerned.

  14. It may have to do with Bloggger shutting down what basically amounts to non-active blogs. I got a message about it about a week ago. Something about legacy accts had to be signed into and converted over to the the current system or the blog would be deleted(?).

    And we seem to be experiencing another seismic shift in the landscape like happened awhile back.

    Or considering the heat they may have just melted...


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