Maedsid Update (Sea of O'Sr Adventure Path)

So I'm at just a little over 8100 words. Five dimensions, eight new monsters. And I'm not even half through. I'm having fun and I hope when I do finally get done that others enjoy it. So far the gist is that a sect of druids, in their quest to get closer to their divinity and separate themselves from the world, inadvertantly weakened the fabric surrounding their most holy site and caused some beasties from other planes to get through. I'm going for a somewhat odd mixture here that I hope ultimately pulls together well. Think Celtic flavored druidic myth/legend meets Lovecraft meets Moorcock in a sort of crazy Keep on the Borderlands Caves of Chaos type setting that allows for further extrapolation by enterprising DMs. Yeah, well, we'll see. More to follow but back to work ;).


  1. Really looking forward to seeing this adventure. It sounds awesome.

  2. Cool, bear with me guys. I've got to revamp a few maps. Right now I've got the funerary mound levels 1&2 almost done and dimensional sublevels 1 and 2 (of 4) pretty well started. I've got to key a few locations on the island maps themselves and a few more things. I had hoped to have it done before GENCON but it looks like it won't be done until after I get back home from my travels at the end of August. Although I'm putting in at least one hour a day on it.


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